LIVING DEATH - Protected from Reality / Back to the Weapons CD
LIVING DEATH - Protected from Reality / Back to the Weapons CD
LIVING DEATH - Protected from Reality / Back to the Weapons CD

HRR 418 CD

Thorsten "Toto" Bergmann - Vocals
Frank Fricke - Guitars
Reiner Kelch - Guitars
Dieter Kelch - Bass
Atomic Steif - Drums

-Horrible Infanticide (Part One)
-Manila Terror
-Natures Death
-Wood of Necrophiliac
-Vengeance (Horrible Infanticide Part Two)
-The Galley
-War of Independence
-Eisbein (Mit Sauerkraut)

-Nuclear Greetings
-Bloody Dance
-The Way (Your Soul Must Go)
-Child of Illusion