HRR 606 CD

Chris Black - Lyrics, Songwriting, Vocals, Bass, Drums, Keyboards
Scott Hoffman - Guitars (rhythm)

1. So Much for Sleep
2. You Know Me
3. The Devil
4. Swing Hard
5. Cataract
6. Like an Earthquake
7. All I See
8. Old Wizard
9. Pendulum


“Dawnbringer is the grandfather to all of my other projects,” smiles Chris “The Professor” Black when talking about his first ever band, formed in 1995. “Pharaoh was next, in 1997, Superchrist in 2000, then High Spirits much later, in 2009. The earliest Dawnbringer stuff is quite chaotic and eclectic because I wanted to represent the full range of my influences. I was 17 when we recorded the first demo, so likewise my tastes and certainly my approach to reflecting them were adolescent themselves.”

»Nucleus« was Dawnbringer’s fourth album altogether, an important step in the musical journey of “The Professor”. “It was all very DIY, and a broad education,” is how he describes his journey. “During those years I was learning how to write songs, play them, record them, market them, finance everything, and so on, and I had to learn all of these things by getting them wrong a lot of the time.”

It’s probably no exaggeration to say that the success of High Spirits somehow overshadows the achievements of Dawnbringer. Sometimes it’s still hard to grasp how many different creative outlets there are in Chris Black’s musical universe. So where are the main differences between Dawnbringer and High Spirits then? “In 2010, the differences were in some cases hard to see,” confirms Chris. “‘Full Power’ was originally going to be the closing track on »Nucleus«, because I needed another song, and I told myself it was a bit too metalized for High Spirits. I know it sounds absurd in hindsight. But »Nucleus« and »Another Night« are definitely connected. They were written around the same time and recorded back-to-back: »Nucleus« in May of 2010, »Another Night« in January of 2011. So there was some flow between the two containers of songs, and it’s probably not a coincidence that they are my two best-selling albums.”

In their rather short career Dawnbringer played a total number of 13 live shows. Two in the 1990s, and then the rest from 2011 to 2016. As we speak, according to Chris, Dawnbringer is history: “Those who will miss the band shouldn’t worry too much, because we are playing a lot of these songs with the Professor Black band. And as you can see with this »Nucleus« release by High Roller Records, we will also keep the albums available as much as possible.”

Matthias Mader